Picture this...

Picture this...

You step up to the microphone, your words resonating with power & purpose. Your audience hangs on your every word, moved to laughter, tears, or inspired action. That's the kind of impact we strive for at Corny Bananas.

We understand the importance of effective speaking in every aspect of life. That's why we're thrilled to introduce you to EntreSpeak, our online community dedicated to honing your speaking skills.

You step up to the microphone, your words resonating with power & purpose. Your audience hangs on your every word, moved to laughter, tears, or inspired action. That's the kind of impact we strive for at Corny Bananas.

We understand the importance of effective speaking in every aspect of life. That's why we're thrilled to introduce you to EntreSpeak, our online community dedicated to honing your speaking skills.


Online Community


EntreSpeak isn't just another platform—it's a dynamic community where growth meets fun. Through a curated blend of Storytelling, Vocal Variety & Impromptu Speaking Missions, we're here to help you unlock your full potential.

But here's the secret sauce: radical accountability. We believe that progress thrives in an environment where members challenge themselves & support each other.

Think about it: in just a few weeks, you could be standing taller, speaking clearer & captivating listeners like never before. With EntreSpeak, the journey to becoming a captivating speaker starts with that first courageous step.

So, whether you're preparing for a wedding toast, a business pitch, or simply want to command attention in any situation, EntreSpeak has got your back.

EntreSpeak isn't just another platform—it's a dynamic community where growth meets fun. Through a curated blend of Storytelling, Vocal Variety & Impromptu Speaking Missions, we're here to help you unlock your full potential.

But here's the secret sauce: radical accountability. We believe that progress thrives in an environment where members challenge themselves & support each other.

Think about it: in just a few weeks, you could be standing taller, speaking clearer & captivating listeners like never before. With EntreSpeak, the journey to becoming a captivating speaker starts with that first courageous step.

So, whether you're preparing for a wedding toast, a business pitch, or simply want to command attention in any situation, EntreSpeak has got your back.

Copyright 2024